The Rocky Mountain MS Center’s core goal of maximizing lifelong brain health through early and effective treatment relies on use of the most effective treatment approach, tailored to each patient’s individual needs and the potential risks posed by each medication.
Generally, we are focused on early, highly effective treatment of the disease, as that is when presently-available MS drugs are most needed and effective. The strategy starts with identifying MS as early as possible – in many cases, even before significant symptoms are apparent.
Patients are treated with the latest and most effective MS drugs at the very earliest signs of MS, in an effort to slow or even stop the disease before it has the opportunity to do much lasting damage. The goal is to match the severity and risks of the disease with the appropriate course of medication at that time in the patient’s life.
Over time, as MS changes, there may be consideration to de-escalate the intensity of therapy, and perhaps lower risks, and even to possibly discontinue the use of some drugs in older patients who are no longer having active new attacks or relapses of their MS.
Common medications prescribed to people living with MS can be divided broadly into two categories: Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTs) and Symptom Management treatments.