MS 101 is a free 2-hour class for the newly-diagnosed (anyone who has been diagnosed in the last 5 years) in a small-group setting that allows for a frank discussion tailored specifically to the day’s attendees. The presenters go over the basics of MS, how our understanding of the disease has changed over the years, and what we know today.

You are encouraged to bring your questions to the table. Topics will range from “what is MS?” to the diagnosis process, the symptoms, an overview of available treatment options, and what you can do daily to maximize your wellbeing.

Register Below, or Click Here to Find an MS 101 Session

If you were diagnosed more than 5 years ago or you’re interested in learning more about MS for another reason (for example, if you work closely with someone with MS and you would like to better understand the disease), please contact Kelsey at 303-788-4030, ext. 120 to discuss our other class options.

If you were diagnosed more than 5 years ago or you’re interested in learning more about MS for another reason (for example, if you work closely with someone with MS and you would like to better understand the disease), please contact Kelsey at 303-788-4030, ext. 120 to discuss our other class options.

Family and friends are welcome at the class, but please let us know how many people will be with you when you sign up.

These classes are offered three times a month via Zoom: the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m., the third Friday of the month at 1:00 p.m., and the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.

MS 101 sessions are led by Elissa Berlinger, LCSW and MS Educator, and Kelsey Morrow, RMMSC Education Manager.


MS 101 is free, but space is limited to maintain the small group format. Advanced registration is required.

Sign up online by finding an upcoming session on our events calendar, find an upcoming MS 101 session at EventBrite, or contact the Rocky Mountain MS Center Education Manager at

Tell Us What You Think of MS 101

If you’ve recently attended an MS 101 session, we’d love to hear what you think! Your input helps us improve our education programs and continue delivering high-quality events for you. Please complete our evaluation survey here.

Thanks to our Supporters

MS 101 is made possible in part by sponsorships and patient education grants from our supporters, including: