Virtual Talk Therapy

Rocky Mountain MS Center Rural Engagement Program

Supporting the mental health and well-being of people and families living with MS is a priority at the Rocky Mountain MS Center. We are proud to have connected patients and families with licensed counselors for over thirty years.

woman is using laptop for remote conversationDepression and anxiety are common among people living with MS and other chronic conditions. Counseling is a space to care for yourself, check in with your mental health, and learn about coping and resilience tools to help with developing strategies for managing a chronic health condition. Counseling can be valuable to help process any changes you may experience through living one’s life with MS. This may include new MS symptoms, aging with MS, changing MS treatment, and MS progression. For some people, one or two sessions is enough to make a lasting difference while others choose to continue with additional sessions.

Elissa Berlinger, LCSW, is our primary mental health counselor at the MS Center. As an individual living with MS, it can be difficult to connect with a counselor who may not understand what you are going through. Elissa has lived with MS for years and brings her both her personal experience and professional expertise to counseling sessions. She is equipped to facilitate one on one counseling sessions for people living with MS, sessions for support partners, as well as integrated family counseling services. Wherever you are on your mental health journey, Elissa is eager to help you live a fuller, healthier, life with MS.

Counseling sessions are provided at no cost — it is our priority to ensure that your mental health comes with no barriers to access. Elissa is eager to provide you with counseling sessions, or to refer you to another professional if desired.

Contact our Counselor for a Virtual Session

To request a virtual counseling session, please fill out this brief form. We’ll put you in touch with Elissa Berlinger, LCSW, who offers a limited number of sessions for free, or she can refer you to another professional if desired.

Request a Virtual Counseling Session Now!


Elissa Berlinger, LCSW

Social Worker and MS Educator, ENB Collective

Elissa’s journey to becoming a clinical social worker has been wide reaching and a life long journey. She completed her undergraduate in Studio Art (Ceramics) and Political Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, her Masters in Social Work from Smith College School for Social Work. In addition to specialized training in eating disorders, trauma, and substance use, Elissa also has expertise in working with various neurological and chronic health conditions, with a particular focus on people and families living with multiple sclerosis. She works in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain MS Center to provide education and counseling services to individuals and families who have been impacted by MS.

Our Rural Engagement Program’s Direct Support Services are offered completely FREE of charge to all participants, regardless of where they receive their MS care. These programs include online adaptive exercise classes, counseling sessions for individuals and families living with MS, and special access to online health and wellness coaching.

The Rocky Mountain MS Center Rural Engagement Program is made possible in part
by a grant from the Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation.