Gina Hensrud
Chief Executive Officer

Gina has two decades of experience as a nonprofit executive. Prior to joining the Rocky Mountain MS Center, she served as a major gifts officer for the Edith Sanford Breast Cancer Foundation and as director of development for the Denver affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Her professional history also includes positions as executive director of the Argyle Foundation and development coordinator at Red Rocks Community College Foundation.

Before moving into the nonprofit world, she worked in broadcast journalism for nine years as a producer, writer and editor.

She is a member of Colorado Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, where she previously served on the board of directors and chaired the local mentoring program.

A Colorado native, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Colorado Boulder, where she majored in journalism.


John R. Corboy, MD
Medical Director, Rocky Mountain MS Center
Director, Rocky Mountain MS Center at University of Colorado

Dr. Corboy is a graduate of University of Pennsylvania and did his neurology residency there, with a fellowship at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He specialized in MS and neurovirology at the University of Minnesota Medical Center before coming to Colorado in 1994. In 1997, he founded the University of Colorado Multiple Sclerosis Center, now transformed into the Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Center at University of Colorado, a multidisciplinary group offering state-of-the-art care and research to multiple sclerosis patients. Dr. Corboy is Co-Director of the RMMSC at CU, and also the founding editor of Neurology: Clinical Practice, the clinical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Dr. Corboy’s research interests and projects include novel therapeutics for MS, treatment decisions in MS care, understanding how long to use conventional DMT’s, and defining risk factors for development of MS. He is the director of the RMMSC Tissue Bank, which delivers autopsied brain and other tissues to researchers throughout the world. He served on the board of the Colorado-Wyoming chapter of the National MS Society for more than a decade.”


Senior Staff

Kerri Cechovic
Senior Director of Programs

Sarah Heil
Senior Director of Development

Michelle King
KADEP Senior Director