“When the doctor said those two words – ‘multiple sclerosis’ – I just wanted to collapse.” Elizabeth Persons has a story that’s familiar to many – an MS diagnosis came…
Summer heat can be a barrier to being active when you’re living with MS. In this webinar, several of our Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists as well as a Registered Nurse…
The RMMSC’s first open hike of the MS4MS season was just under 10,000 feet of fun! Our team and some special guests headed just south of the Denver metro…
The summer season is officially in full swing and that means much warmer temperatures. If you are having more problems with your MS during these warmer months, you’re not alone….
The Senate may vote soon on a revised draft of the House-passed American Health Care Act. We have heard from many of you who are concerned about the impact this…
Multiple Summits for MS (MS4MS) is a do-it-your-way approach to raising awareness and support for the Rocky Mountain MS Center. Whether you hike a trail, walk laps in your own…
At the Rocky Mountain MS Center, we believe general health and wellness are key components to living with multiple sclerosis. Maximizing lifelong brain health starts with overall wellness, and maintaining…
The Rocky Mountain MS Center hosted the 2017 Spring Education Summit in Aurora on May 13. We’ve archived the main content of the Summit to share with everyone that wasn’t…
April 23-29, 2017 is National Volunteer Week! Please join us as we thank the wonderful volunteers who help us fulfill our mission: To improve the quality of life of individuals and…