Regular exercise is a critical component of lifelong brain health, and something often overlooked as a part of a comprehensive care model. At the Rocky Mountain MS Center, we believe staying active and fit is a crucial part of living with MS, and we offer two programs to help meet your needs.

Hydrotherapy is our specialized MS aquatic therapy program designed to improve functional abilities, typically offered two days per week at sites throughout the Denver area. We also provide Online Exercise Classes which are seated and adaptive strengthening and stretching workouts conducted via Zoom twice weekly.


This unique water exercise program offers individuals of all ability levels a variety of exercise opportunities, including adapted swimming, deep and shallow water aerobic exercise, balance and flexibility, and training options.

The water’s resistance results in more controlled movements and participants experience an independence denied to them in other environments. The goal is to help adults and seniors living with MS become stronger and more flexible in body and mind. Participants spend two hours in the pool working on improving their strength, balance, coordination and endurance. Classes are held at public swimming pools and are open to individuals in the community with MS at no cost, other than a minimal pool fee.

For more information, contact:

Michele Harrison, PT
Rocky Mountain MS Center Hydrotherapy Coordinator
(720) 273-7461

Individual Hydrotherapy Programs

Individual hydrotherapy sessions are facilitated by a licensed Physical Therapist with specialized certification and training. This one-to-one program may include shallow and deep-water exercise and water walking. Watsu, Halliwick, and Jahara therapy techniques may also be utilized. This service is scheduled individually and billed through insurance or paid for privately.

Community Hydrotherapy Programs

Two-hour hydrotherapy sessions are offered twice weekly. Shallow-water and deep-water exercise, water walking and adaptive aquatics are offered. A social gathering with refreshments follows each session. The cost for the Community Hydrotherapy Program is $45 per calendar year.

Hydrotherapy classes are currently offered twice per week:

    • Tuesdays from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Englewood Recreation Center.
    • Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Athmar Recreation Center.

Online Adaptive Exercise Classes

Seated strengthening, stretching and cardiovascular adaptive workouts for individuals living with MS are conducted in a virtual group setting by Michele Harrison, a Physical Therapist who’s been working with the MS community for decades. From the comfort of their own home — or anywhere they have access to an internet-capable device — participants are guided through a series of exercises that can be adapted to various ability and mobility levels.

Watch Online Exercise Classes On-Demand:

For information on joining any of the above classes:

Please contact Michele Harrison at 720-273- 7461 or