April 7-13, 2019 is National Volunteer Week! Please join us as we thank the wonderful volunteers who help us fulfill our mission: To improve the quality of life of individuals and…
April 7-13, 2019 is National Volunteer Week! Please join us as we thank the wonderful volunteers who help us fulfill our mission: To improve the quality of life of individuals and…
It’s no secret it’s important to keep your body fit. But what about your brain? You may be surprised to learn how physical activity can impact your brain and your…
Read about Rachelle, Perry and Bernie’s personal experience with exercise and increasing their activity levels.
Read about Kristen and Andrea’s personal experience with exercise and increasing their activity levels.
Read about Jane, Stephanie and Katie’s personal experience with exercise and increasing their activity levels.
Interview Conducted by Kerri Cechovic | Dr. Jeffrey Hebert’s clinical and research expertise includes examining, treating and investigating balance, fall risk, mobility, fatigue and other related negative symptomatic outcomes, muscle…
Thomas Stewart, M.S., J.D., PA-C | As we have written previously, many people with MS will be able to remain in the workforce without significant MS-related limitations for the entirety of…
A webinar on MS basics to help raise awareness and understanding about MS. This one-hour webinar is designed to be a tool that people with MS can use to help…
Meet Madison Tran and Daren Writer — part of the team behind “Jags Against MS.” The students at Rock Canyon High School in Highlands Ranch, home of the Jaguars, have…