We are happy to provide InforMS, our quarterly magazine, free of charge to patients, family, caregivers, medical professionals, and anyone else interested in the latest news and feature articles related to multiple sclerosis. If you can help offset our production, printing and mailing costs, we would be honored and grateful for your assistance. Please click here to make a donation of any amount. When you’re asked what brought you to the site to give today, please choose “InforMS magazine.” Thank you for your support, we look forward to continuing to provide you with a great magazine!
InforMS has an estimated readership of nearly 80,000 individuals, and is a well-respected, trusted publication for people living with multiple sclerosis. What makes this magazine unique is the quality of content within. InforMS delivers the most cutting-edge information available on clinical advances, MS-specific research, and psychosocial information for people living with multiple sclerosis.
This magazine is printed quarterly in digital and print versions.
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